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Beautiful bride on the Grand Staircase at Founder's Manor
About the Owners
It was love at first sight!

Many often wonder about the owners and how this all came to be. Here's how it happened, more or less... As empty nesters, Susan and Patrick Parks made the decision to sell their large and lovely home on a mountainside overlooking the Atlanta skyline. Afterall, now it was only the two of them, and downsizing into something smaller to streamline and simplify their lives seemed like a good thing to do. They looked at plenty of adorable smaller homes, but none felt right. Then quite unexpectantly (and opposite the direction they intended to go) a large house overlooking a quaint little town piqued Susan’s interest. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. What was this place? They had to see. It turned out to be a massive 1840’s home, curiously hung in time and in need of help, as this once grand dame had slipped and quietly fallen into desperate disrepair. They found out that the house had sat on the market for years and years, and once they visited it, they could understand why no one had puchased it: Simply put, it was a massive renovation project that few would be willing (or crazy enough?) to attempt... Old mauve carpet and cracked antiquated vinyl ran throughout the home. Peeling wallpaper, peeling paint, leaky roofs, sketchy electrical, inadequate plumbing, dysfunctional sewage and HVAC issues all would demand immediate attention. But somehow, despite it all, it was also unaccountably LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT …Especially for Susan, who was unfazed by its condition from having successfully renovated homes for years. Having faith in Susan’s vision, Patrick wholeheartedly agreed they should purchase the home, and so they did. And although perhaps neither recognized it then - at that moment - Founder’s Manor was born, showing how our fate can indeed turn on a dime: Suddenly, instead of downsizing into the smaller and simpler lifestyle they intended, the Parks did a 180 and embraced the full major renovation of the manor, changing their gears and goals into a “working retirement” that hopefully wouldn’t feel like work at all for a gregarious couple who already loved to entertain and throw parties. They were certain they could make it work. They immediately threw all their time (and money!) into bringing the dilapidated but once-grand manor back to life. And they did! But just as they prepared to begin to offer the venue for events… Covid hit. The future became uncertain. Social events were suddenly cancelled, and even when somewhat allowed again, they were highly regulated in such a way that would prevent a business built on socializing to be viable. Their hearts were broken. The future for Founder’s Manor became uncertain. Would all their hopes and dreams be smashed? Only time would tell. But as the storms settled and the storm clouds began to clear, the proverbial ray of hope shone again. The Parks doubled-down on their efforts. They rallied their forces and launched new projects and improvements to make Founder’s Manor even MORE splendid than before. And on Sept 21 2023, they officially had their ribbon cutting and, as they say, the rest is history. Now, a one-of-a-kind unique niche venue that is more beautiful and accommodating that ever before, Founder’s Manor looks forward to hosting all your special events. Why not become part of this grand history by making all your celebrations legendary ones? Take advantage of our timeless and affordable elegance to make your event unforgettable. Come see us. You’ll be delighted that you did!

The owners have a smooch
Founder's Manor:
Just like you!

Come revel in the authentic beauty and elegance of Founder's Manor, known for its esteemed history and graciously stunning old-world charm.   Allow us to take you back in time with our vintage decor and historic ambience that will create an unforgettable experience to be cherished by all for generations to come.



Founder's Manor Ribbon Cutting
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